
Exploring Kitchen Equipment

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Exploring Kitchen Equipment

Hi there, my name is Lissa Nickels. I am here to talk about kitchen equipment used in restaurants. Skilled chefs used a wide range of equipment to prepare appetizers, entrees and desserts. Each piece of equipment performs a specific action to perfect the dish. The look, feel and taste of that item is directly affected by the type of oven, toaster or grill used to prepare it. I would like to share information about all of the different dishes created using each type of equipment. I will even talk about maintenance and repairs required to keep the equipment in good working order. I hope that you will visit my site often to learn more. Thank you for coming to my website.


Ordering In A Sit-Down Chinese Restaurant: 4 Tips

When most people eat Chinese food in the United States, they order it from a takeout restaurant. So when you visit a sit-down Chinese restaurant, you might not be quite sure what to order or how to order it. Some menu items are familiar, but other than that, this is a whole different experience from ordering takeout! Here are some tips to help you order effectively and adhere to common etiquette expectations. Read More 

Everything You Need To Know About Pairing Organic Food With Wine

If you're like many consumers, you try to eat organic food whenever possible to limit your exposure to chemical pesticides as well as to do your part to reduce your overall carbon footprint. You may also have discovered that organic food somehow tastes better to you — but if you enjoy wine with your meals, you may also have noticed that your usual go-to wine choices don't quite do the job when paired with organic food. Read More 

Dos And Don’ts When Dining At A Beachfront Restaurant

Dining at a beachfront restaurant is an experience you must have at least once in your life. There's something special about walking straight up out of the sand and into a restaurant. Plus, what better way is there to enjoy a meal than with the waves crashing within your line of vision? Beachfront restaurants tend to be pretty relaxed, and nobody is going to get too worked up if you don't quite adhere to the expected etiquette. Read More 

Appetizer-Inspired Customized Pizza Ideas For Events

If you're planning any type of special event and don't know what to serve your guests, consider treating them to customized pizza inspired by popular appetizers. This type of pizza will be appropriate to serve at almost any time of the day, and will win you plenty of points for creativity.  You can serve appetizer-inspired pizzas for a wide range of occasions, but they're particularly ideal for cocktail-style soirees, pool parties, and any other social gathering. Read More